Tidal Croft Studio. I have been creating art since childhood and have spent the better part of my life searching for how my creativity fits my artistic purpose. It took decades to see the beauty around me and recognize that nature is my muse. I chose landscape painting after deeply searching for what I found beautiful. I believe ‘good art’ happens when the visual stimulant triggers an emotional response. With landscape work I seek to engage all the senses, for the viewer to remember we are all part of the natural world. We are not simply looking at it, but one with it, as we intrinsically have always been, but have collectively forgotten. By painting real places, my overarching hope is to bring connectedness to the viewer, in order to create awareness to the perils that our natural places face and keep the protections of these places in the forefronts of people's minds. I am compelled to celebrate and explore our relationship with nature through my work.